Thursday, April 3, 2014

Smart Money Smart Kids (post 2)

"When the parents' words and actions come together, it forms a powerful statement about that family's value system." - Rachel Cruze

In their upcoming book, Smart Money Smart Kids, Dave Ramsey and Rachel Cruze remind us more than once that our children are watching - that it is the consistency of what we say and what we do that dictates how we will influence our children.  Our family's value system will either be strengthened by our consistency or weakened by our lack thereof.

In the chapter on giving, Rachel so passionately encourages us to step outside our comfort zones, to give of ourselves in the world - and to do so from all of our resources (the "Time, Talents, and Treasure" idea of giving).  And it is so important for us to model this for our children and create ways for them to serve alongside us.  It is in doing so that we are creating opportunities for them to experience the joy of giving and to develop a heart for others.  Perhaps your family is doing well in this area, but for us, it is an area where we really need to grow.  We are a work in progress!

I love how the chapter then goes deeper.  Rachel and Dave discuss popping the bubble of the comforts and conveniences that surround our children.  If we are not intentional, our children will quickly gain an unhealthy perspective of their blessings.  I am reminded of this in my own home often, and it is in these moments that I understand the importance of teaching my children to look beyond themselves.

I am so grateful for this book and for how it has challenged me as a parent.  It truly is a must-read.


  1. This post speaks to me so much. I look forward to reading this book.

  2. We love Dave Ramsey and have been on his plan for 2 1/2 years now. We have three kids under the age of four so I was excited when he announced this book. We already use his Financial Peace Junior products. They are great.

    Risa Lovan

    1. Risa,

      We love the Financial Peace Junior products as well. They are great tools.

      I wish you well as you continue the plan!

  3. That's a great reminder that our kids are watching everything we do!. I need to focus on letting my kids see some of the financial choices we make and be an active part of giving.

    1. Yes, Kristin, I needed that reminder too. Their little eyes see everything! They are more perceptive than we tend to realize!

  4. We will be first time parents in just a few short months! And this is a great quote for us to remember. Oh how true it is! Thank you for linking up at to share about SMSK!

    1. Congratulations on your soon-to-be little one! And thanks for the invitation to link up to True Agape. I was delighted to be a part of that and certainly look forward to following!

  5. We are also a work in progress in the giving category. More is caught than taught.... oh how true! Thanks for the reminder, Leslie.. :)

    1. Yes, Shelah, I love that quote! More is caught than taught.

  6. Agreed, Leslie: alignment between words and deeds and pushing outside the comfort zone are key, powerful themes to embrace in our quest to be better parents (and people).

    1. Bill,

      Thanks for visiting. What a website you have over at! That is such a neat concept. I look forward to learning more!
